"Did riot grrrl ever go away? Maybe it just evolved. Right now there are thousands of people around the world who are producing music, writing zines, hosting workshops, and staging rebellions that are profoundly influenced by the Riot Grrrl movement of the 1990's." -Excerpt from their webpage calling for submissions.

Together Stacy and Kate are calling out the riot grrrls. They want your essays, memories, and experiences of being a riot grrrl in the 90s. But going a step further, they also ask people to write about how to bring on a revival of sorts. How do we "get off the internet and into the streets"? How do we "reclaim feminism for the 4th wave"? How can we "create spaces for working class, POC, international and rural women and queers". All in all, it's going to be an EPIC reunion and a giant step into the future together.
Tonight Stacy and Kate were both on the radio program "Feminist Magazine" based out of LA, where they talked about their mission and how to be a part of this movement. Check it out! These women are completely and utterly inspiring.
Whoa! Thanks for the kind words, lady! We really appreciate your support. POSITIVITY RULEZ.
No problem dude, I think you're amazing!
p.s. lets hang asap.
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