img borrowed from: http://landlockedlover.tumblr.com/
I've seen this before but I just really like it. It deserves a repost. I keep hearing people talk about how they want to be in a girl gang (myself included), but then it occurred to me; aren't we sort of already? Just by making these fliers, and writing these letters, and making these zines, and keeping each other informed, doesn't that count? I think it does. I think we're all a part of this giant girl gang. We're keeping each other safe and connected. We're letting each other know how to be active, telling each other when things are going on, informing each other how we can go about doing things to be progressive as a group. We're making it a priority to focus on girl love and acceptance and I think this all counts.
I really do believe it's true. We ARE everyone, and we ARE everywhere. I'm happy to know you've got my back, and I'm happy to announce that I have yours as well.
ohh yeah i love this!! i want to print it out and staple it all over town.. so awesome. <3
you're totally right about already being in one big girl gang. i keep babbling about my girl gang VAGINAS LOCAS, but really i just like the name.
on the bus the other day there was this girl standing between this dude's legs and they weren't together, the bus was just crowded and i was so ready to start screaming if anything shady happened. i guess i wish i felt better about everyone instead of being wary of everyone, but what are you going to do?
Anna, YES! I'm so totally the same way about people. I'm super ultra protective over girls too. I would have been the same way about that girl on the bus. I don't know what has happened but for whatever reason, in the past year I've become really VOCAL about things that I just don't think are okay. Sometimes I can't even control it. For instance: tonight I went to see YACHT with Brittany and our friends Stacy and Steve. There was this drunk dude just pushing his way to the front and he was totally pushing into Brittany and Stacy. I turned around, pushed him and looked him right in the eye and said "NO. Don't you fucking push them!" and he sort of just went away. I don't know.. I just hate when girls feel uncomfortable because I've been there WAYYYYY too many times and it fucking SUCKS.
DUDE. BEST NAME EVER!!!!! Vaginas Locas.. oh man, that's just amazing.
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